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The Committee: Team

Sabrina Fearon-Melville


Sabrina is a second year International Relations student.
She is a avid reader and loves to debate. She joined the United Nations Society to help increase the platform of the UN and it's organisations. She wishes to gain more insight into the world of Model United Nations whilst continuing to study new languages.

Rosalindia Birdinia R. Barus

Treasurer Secretary

Birdie is a second year International Relations student.

She is from Indonesia and has worked as a volunteer in United Nations Association at Coventry.

She has participated in Milan International Model United Nations. Her hobbies are travelling and reading. In the future she would like to work in foreign policy, humans rights and advisory field. She joined United Nations Society to contribute to the greater good.

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Petra Cicvaric

Training Officer

Petra is a second year International Relations student.

Carolin Kaare

Social and Publicity Officer

Carolin is a second year International Relations student.
She loves new experiences, travelling and learning new languages. She joined United  Nations Society to gain experiences that could be used in the future to improve communications and relations between different countries and nationalities.


Jessica Fingue

Inclusion Officer

Jess is a second year International Relations student. She loves to meet new cultures and learn new languages. She was born in Portugal and her parents are from Angola. Jess joined United Nations Society to promote the United Nations values. In the future she would like to work in the humanitarian and diplomacy field.

Kamile Paskeviciute

Conference Manager

Kamile is a second year International Relations student and she is from Lithuania. She cannot imagine her life without cultural experiences. She loves reading, theatre and exhibitions. Kamile was a professional swimmer and lindy hop dancer. Her fauvorite sports are windsurfing, rollers, badmington and cycling. Her future plan is to be a Lithuanian diplomat.

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